Reading Journal #3

When reading “Lucy” and “Bird by Bird” there are many comparisons that are made in each book that allow them to be similar. In Lucy she describes her paintings on her wall;as the people in her life. She also talks about the people in her life the most at this point.In “Bird by Bird”he tell the writers to think of images like a poloraoid camara. Lamott also wants the readers to understand how to put a story together and just write. The inner life motivates the experiences of a character and the key to the full creation in writing.Good things happen to bad characters and bad things happen to good characters. You have to think outside the box though. In the story the characters point of view is being untold. The plot, according to Anne, is deeply devoted in the character. Find out what the character is most passionate about is one way to develop plot. Give the character a challenge and run with it. In Lucy she runs with the picture on her wall and creates her own characters and gives them different challenges and plots within her life. She puts them where she thinks they go in her life. The action will lead the writer and chararcter. It will also abuse the reader. To make them think oh my is this reality or not. You have to let the mind wonder.

My Painting”Kingdom Coming”

Chartent Thompson
English 1020-7
Professor Harmon
December 13,2010
“Kingdom Coming”
This piece is located on the bottom of the art gallery. I think was placed here because of its dark meanings. Colored pencils was used to do this piece. The are light, bright colors. The artist made this picture seem as if they had a dark past but a bright beginning for others. When looking at the art they are smiling past pain but they are singing a song. The artist uses music notes ,a big nose and a big mouth. This art seems to me as if it was going back into slavery with a field behind them and they use music as the only thing they really knew. Back in the days of slavery, slaves use to go to church at night fall and just sing. They loved music and going to church. It brought everyone together after a long days work. Their songs meant something. It was codes, codes to escape and never return. Slaves had to be careful so they sung in different languages so slave master’s wouldn’t understand them. When the nights came many slaves would try to escape so quietly without being heard by the dogs watching for any movement at night. In order for slaves not to get caught they would throw pieces of bread crumbs at the dogs and keep on with their trail to freedom. They started calling little bread crumbs they feed to the dogs hush puppies. This piece really has a symbolic meaning to it. It is very realistic and it’s a story untold. You have to express yourself and the painting in such a way that only you can feel the pain that the artist was going through when they created this image. The texture of the painting was really smooth by looking at it. When I look at this painting it makes me feel that my ancestors were very smart and very creative. Overcoming is the mood of this painting. The artist mood was sad but willing to overcome. I think this because of the title of the painting and the history of the painting, it means a lot.

Reading Response #2

When reading this essay i found myself to get really emotional. When i looked at the title i thought of someone having a problem with food or certain foods they didn’t like. As I read this the beginning of this essay i thought this little girl is just crazy to think she was big at 104 pounds. people who I know would kill to be that weight. She was a little skeptical about herself the whole time i read this story. When looking at the details and words she put in her paper she showed a lot that i could see when reading. images popped up in my mind as if i was right there beside her. As the story goes on she learns that she has a problem and so does others as well.Caitlin tells us looking in the mirror hurt her. She really notices when her chef tells her she has been watching her for the past couple of days. When the teacher pours out how she thought Caitlin felt about herself Caitlin begins to cry and understand and wants to get help for herself and others. Caitlin then feels that she needs to tell her mother about her darkest secret that she feels she needs to know so that she can get her some help. when she finds out that her mother isn’t really mad and that she kind of knew she had a problem she felt a little relieved at the situation but still wanted help. I like the way that she wants to change and get help. She obviously proved she loves her body more than her appearance to others and what they think about her. She then proved she could eat a meal without having to make herself sick. she was dedicated to herself and the ones around her that helped her overcome her sickness.