Reading Journal #7

Chartent Thompson
Professor Harmon
English 1020
January 24, 2011
Reading Journal #7

When I read the essays and watched videos of Robert Frank my research question for him would be why would people be so mad at his work of art? This piece of art is very different but yet creative. He is a different person. His creations were phenomenal. But this research question also goes along with our criteria of study at the moment. We are examining art and the meanings behind them; the visuals, the creativity and all. We read books, articles, and even watch videos of his work. This is what provides us with sources. Robert Frank is effective in guiding someone in their research because it is a example of how our project is suppose to look. The professor supplied us with everything we needed to know and find out about Robert Frank. This paper can help me improve my paraphrasing and also my writing habits as well. This will prepare me for what I’m about to get ready for. And hopefully I do well. I just need to stay on topic and get all the information I need. In the article my main question was why would people be so mad at his work of art? My answer would simply be because the world saw everything as perfect when he non-brutally tried to make them see that its not.

Reading Journal #6

Chartent Thompson
January 19,2011
Professor Harmon

When i read all 4 articles i thought to myself why did this man take a picture of someones shit. Also when looking at the pictures my mind wondered around about what this artist was thinking when he did this. All the paintings are related because each artist had their own meaning behind the kind of art they did. They made us as readers see that anyone can have a special talent.When i read Art of Art i felt like i was in the artist mind. also when i was reading “Andres Serrano’s Shit” he made me realize that it doesn’t matter who doesn’t see what your purpose is behind your painting just as long as they can support what you create. When i saw the photo of David it was almost like i saw that sculpture somewhere before. Then it clicked in my mind i have seen this sculpture numerous amounts of time in my history books. This is a real famous painting. It fascinated me to know more about the painting though. “Starry Night”, this was a rather different picture. It was beautiful and it made my mind wonder about so much. The name of the painting matches. When you compare all these pictures,paintings, and sculptures together you find that all these artist kind of favored in some kind of way. From having their own creativity and their own meaning of art.

Reading Response #4

Chartent Thompson
Professor Harmon
Reading Response #4

I think the thesis of this essay was what does michaelangelo art really mean symbolicly and religously? The author does not correctly introduce sources in the beginning as well as he could have. The author fully develops his ideas and take us on a journey throughout the history of michealangelo’s paintings. He provides me with many examples and he goes into very specific details about the history of some of his paintings. He almost bored me with the load of imformation.The author was credible to me bacause he gave me visuals and most importantly he stayed on topic. As an beginner writer i would have more visuals for the reader to read also support my topics more with appealing information. His paper kind of bored me but i know i had to keep reading. But as an overall paper he did well.

Reading Journal #5

Chartent Thompson
January 13,2011
Professor Harmon
Reading Journal #5

In Bird by Bird, Lamott talks about writer’s block , how every writer goes through it and in writing everything just doesn’t flow right out it’s a long and annoying process. In Lucy, Lucy talks about how her family, past, and Mariah’s family were her whole life and how she wanted to branch out and be her own person. I feel like writer’s block and Lucy’s wanting to be her own person relate because they were holding her back on achieving her dream and writer’s block blocks writer’s thoughts from being put on paper. In the last chapter of Bird of Bird, Lamott tells her students that she wants them to write about their childhood, things that interest them in life, etc. In the last chapter Lucy talks about how she is beginning to find herself, and she talks about her favorite things to do like read books and take pictures. In Bird by Bird, Lamott has a chapter devoted to pictures and how she took a picture she took of her lunch when she was younger, when she took the picture it just looked like her lunch in the picture but after it developed and she looked at it closely she saw other images that were in the picture that she never knew was there before which made it more interesting. Lucy liked taking pictures and a guy named Paul got her a job with a guy that took pictures for a living. Also Lucy talks about a book that Mariah gave her at the end of the chapter Lucy say’s, “ I wish I could love someone so much that I would die for it.” I think writes first develop their love for writing they fall in love with it so much they would die for it and couldn’t find or think of a better way to die.

Reading Journal #4

Chartent Thompson




In Bird By Bird, Lamott talks about trying to be perfect in writing papers he states that it can block your writing process. This also relates to life, your parents may expect you to be perfect which will never happen, and you may want everything and yourself to be perfect but that also won’t happen. Lucy talks about her parents discussing where their sons were going to college and how they were going to become lawyers and doctors like any other perfect child. Also Lucy talks about her mother’s goddaughter named Maude, that she praises saying she is wonderful and how she is a good influence for all girls. Just because your parents have a future planned out for you or a relative of yours seems perfect in your presence doesn’t mean everything will work out or turn out perfect. Lamott talks about how your first draft should be shitty so the second and third rounds can be better. In Lucy she talks about how her life on the islands was bad and how she was ready to go to the states to see and do new things. Even though Lucy is negative about everything I think all her experiences and the things she does and learns while she is in the states can mold her into a better person and the second and third chapter of her life can be so much better than her life on the islands. In conclusion, in life no one should strive to be perfect because God created us not perfect but to give everything our all and try.