Reading Response #3

When reading both books, i found that in Lucy she lived in the darkness and the past. She couldn’t get past her past. She never could face the present , she always relates everything to her past. She constantly reminds us as readers to remember important ,fun  and even the bad things in life so that we can move forward. As a writer you have to elaborate and describe how you feel. Kincaid goes back and forth with her life back where she came from and then to the U.S. as i read “Mariah” Lucy and Mariah spent a lot of time together getting to know each other. Backgrounds,past,likes and dislikes, are things they shared among each other. Lucy hated talking about her likes and dislikes with others. Lucy tends to go back and forth about childhood and her mother a lot. This book relates to “Bird by Bird”.  “Finding your voice” is what Lamott stated that i can relate to. It means to think about something you have overcome or something deep that you can write freely. In “Lucy”  she talks about how her mother would be devastated if she found out she didn’t want to be anything like her. In the book “Bird by Bird” Lamott says for us to be our own person and have our own writing styles. Each book gives us writers different styles of writing and great ideas on styles of writing. Writing comes from the heart and emotions. Lucy also talks about letters to her mother, she goes back to her childhood constantly, while Lamott tells us to express our feelings because it can open doors for us when writing. Make the reader feel what you felt when experiencing what you felt when writing it.

Reading Response #6

As i read Rene Magritte’s Son of Man and the Struggle Between Good & Evil, it was the same as what we talked about in class. But as i read i felt where the writer was going and i liked the details described. But yet when you look at that picture you think the same thing but in a different mind set. Everyone notices that big green apple and the man in the suit but is often confused about what this photo means. What the painter wants you to do is think about color and focus on whats really in the picture in detail. The writer says “The apple serves as a way to demonstrate this man’s sin”. What the writer means is that in the beginning God created Adam and Eve and they were tempted to eat the forbidden fruit. Then as they bit the fruit they grew to know thatthey were naked. that was a great example from the reading. But also it was a dark and light side meaning he was confused about something. this painting made me really sit and think and eventually it came together and it was easier for me to break the picture down piece by piece.