Additional Writings

Chartent Thompson
January 19,2011
Professor Harmon
When i read all 4 articles i thought to myself why did this man take a picture of someone’s shit. Also when looking at the pictures my mind wondered around about what this artist was thinking when he did this. All the paintings are related because each artist had their own meaning behind the kind of art they did. They made us as readers see that anyone can have a special talent. When i read Art of Art i felt like i was in the artist mind. also when i was reading “Andres Serrano’s Shit” he made me realize that it doesn’t matter who doesn’t see what your purpose is behind your painting just as long as they can support what you create. When i saw the photo of David it was almost like i saw that sculpture somewhere before. Then it clicked in my mind i have seen this sculpture numerous amounts of time in my history books. This is a real famous painting. It fascinated me to know more about the painting though. “Starry Night”, this was a rather different picture. It was beautiful and it made my mind wonder about so much. The name of the painting matches. When you compare all these pictures, paintings, and sculptures together you find that all these artist kind of favored in some kind of way. From having their own creativity and their own meaning of art.

Chartent Thompson
Professor Harmon
Reading Response #4
I think the thesis of this essay was what does Michelangelo art really mean symbolically and religiously? The author does not correctly introduce sources in the beginning as well as he could have. The author fully develops his ideas and take us on a journey throughout the history of Michelangelo’s paintings. He provides me with many examples and he goes into very specific details about the history of some of his paintings. He almost bored me with the load of information. The author was credible to me because he gave me visuals and most importantly he stayed on topic. As an beginner writer i would have more visuals for the reader to read also support my topics more with appealing information. His paper kind of bored me but i know i had to keep reading. But as an overall paper he did well.

Chartent Thompson
Professor Harmon
February 8, 2011
As i read Rene Magritte’s Son of Man and the Struggle Between Good & Evil, it was the same as what we talked about in class. But as i read i felt where the writer was going and i liked the details described. But yet when you look at that picture you think the same thing but in a different mind set. Everyone notices that big green apple and the man in the suit but is often confused about what this photo means. What the painter wants you to do is think about color and focus on what is really in the picture in detail. The writer says “The apple serves as a way to demonstrate this man’s sin”. What the writer means is that in the beginning God created Adam and Eve and they were tempted to eat the forbidden fruit. Then as they bit the fruit they grew to know that they were naked. that was a great example from the reading. But also it was a dark and light side meaning he was confused about something. this painting made me really sit and think and eventually it came together and it was easier for me to break the picture down piece by piece.

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