Intro to Additional Writings

When I wrote reading journal # 6 what came through my mind is why are we doing this? But then my mind clicked; not all artist are the same. Artist have different reasons behind why they do what they do. But this particular piece was shocking. A picture of someone’s shit right there in my face. I almost wanted to vomit just looking at it. When writing this I felt my writing skills getting better but not to the point where I wanted it to be. My weaknesses when doing this entry was focusing on reading more than anything. I dreaded reading but I knew I had to. So when I started writing I dint know how I was going to start so I just began typing and eventually I got to a certain point and said this is what I need help on. These entries make me realize that I can be a great writer but at the same time I still need progress and help in some areas.

When I did reading response #8 it was not as hard for me to focus on what had to be done because I had an insight on the photograph. We talked about it in class but also I had a lot of thought writing about this. I could have went on for days and days on this piece of art but to sum it all up it had too many meanings along with it. But my strengths when writing this response was staying on task and not getting off subject with answers that didn’t need to be answered. I answered the questions that needed to be answered rather than answering my own questions. I was very detailed and focused. My weakness wasn’t as bad except for my transitional words. I could still work on that but for the most part I felt accomplished when I finished this reading response.

When I wrote reading response # 4 I thought that my strength was getting straight to the point but also breaking down how I thought Michelangelo’s style of art. He is a different kind of artist with a different trend. He is very open but has meaning behind what he does. This reading journal helped me strengthen my thoughts when writing and also focus on main parts of writing when it came to talking in detail about something someone does. My weakness was adding more details in what I thought could have been more than what I said in my writing. This writing reveals my progress in writing because before when I started I paid the questions no attention and I was just talking but now I know what to look for when reading in order to talk about something.

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