Intro to Older Piece of Writing

Chartent Thompson
Professor Harmon
English 1020
February 22, 2011

Intro to a piece of old writing
When I first found out I had to do a speech about a personal thing that has happened to me I immediately snapped back and thought to myself WHY??? But I knew eventually it was going to happen so I prepared myself. I didn’t open up the way that I should have but it was a start. I have always been the type to hide my feelings but never afraid to express how I feel. My intended audience was just formal. Questions I asked myself while writing that paper was why does she want us to get personal. I don’t want her to know about my life. I learned that if you speak about something it usually makes someone else feel as if they could open up too. Also to take control and advantage of there situation. I saw my strengths as a start was opening up to other people. I had never done that before. But when I had to present it wasn’t so open I kept trying to be discrete. Weaknesses that I came across was getting me to talk period. I just wasn’t trying to open up. I was fighting the fact that I had to tell people I didn’t know about something personal that had happened to me. I never knew what anyone would think of me or about my situation in a sense of feeling sorry for me. Questions I still have is why do people like for others to open up when writing. I mean sometimes it is rather personal. This really helped me in the long run with putting my voice in writing. I felt like I had courage when I said one word on paper.

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