Reflective Essay

Chartent Thompson
Professor Harmon
English 1020
February 22, 2011
Reflective essay
My view of writing before the term was to my knowledge good. But obviously it wasn’t good enough after I had received my remembered event essay back. I noticed I needed help on so much things. I don’t really think my writing has really improved looking at my research paper grades, but I know it could have been better than what it was. I really cant begin to say I think that my writings have influenced anyone for the simple fact that my writing skills need to be improved so much. To me my best writings will be the reading responses and the reading journals. The reason is because they gave me something to talk about and feed off of. It wasn’t like I had to have a thinking process. I already knew what I was going to write when I read the passages. My weakest writings would be my research paper and my remembered event essay. Those were the most drastically grades I had ever seen on any paper I have typed. This class has made me wake up and realize I am in college English, not high school. It is truly and eye opener. My whole time in school I had people telling me I wrote great papers but now my writing isn’t where it needs to be. My strengths as a writer would be creativity and ideas. Simply because I have great ideas I just don’t know how to put it on paper in a professional way. My weaknesses is coming up with different transitions and topics. These are the areas I need help in. it doesn’t take much to be a great writer but everyone isn’t good with writing I just want to be able to be taught so that I can teach somebody else how to write a paper if it ever came down to it. I can say that since this term has started I feel like I have improved a little but not much. It hasn’t gotten me anywhere because im still lacking my grades. I feel like I can do better but I don’t know what it will take. I have learned that I am easily distracted, I stay on task but I have my troubles. I have learned that writing isn’t something that everyone does well. It comes natural to some people but to some it is a weakness. I have learned that it takes time, commitment, dedication, and heart to do a paper. I wasn’t passionate about writing simply because I didn’t know what to write about. I just wish someone could have told me what I needed to work on before I got to college so that I would know a little more than I do now. Because if I knew better I would do a lot better. I would have defined the term audience as people listening to understand and feedback. I would have defined purpose as everyone has a purpose for something that they do whether it is what they like or not. I define voice as someone trying to get your opinion, for you to listen with an open ear and to understand how they were trying to reach out to you. My definitions didn’t change I just had a whole other mind set that I thought was coming my way but didn’t. I didn’t think it would be easy but I damn sure didn’t think it would be as hard. This class has come to make me realize that life is not a game, you cant procrastinate but for so long and when you do you see your own results in the mist of your own troubles. I view others as a distraction because I felt that if I had only blocked them from distracting me I maybe would have done better off. I view myself as a fighter because although I was failing I dint give up and I dint drop the class. Hard work pays off. I considered my work very hard work. I basically put it before anyone and any other class.

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