Revised Remembered Event

Chartent Thompson
English 1020
Professor Harmon
Remembered Essay Revised
February 22, 2011
A New Start
Time was going by and lunch time was coming up shortly. I was so anxious to get out of class by this time so I could eat and see my boyfriend. As I entered the cafeteria my best friend De’shawn called me and was like he heard David is having a baby on the way. He said that everybody at his school was talking about it. I said Dee you playing! This really had me thinking but I didn’t want to ask my boyfriend again. I then entered the cafeteria then he and I got our lunch and sat down to talk about the upcoming weekend and what we were going to do. We planned to go to eat and to church on that Sunday coming and just spend the whole day together. It was already Friday and we were ready. So lunch was dismissed and we went back to our class and waited for the remainder of class to dismissed. It was finally close to the end of the day and everyone was ready to start their weekend off some type of way. So now the bell rings for the last class of the day. Class changes I saw a lot going on that day, too much to be exact. I stopped by my locker to get my things for my last class of the day and my boyfriend stopped by and said” baby you ready for me to walk you class?” I said “yes” digging into the bottom of my locker to get my binder that was stuck at the bottom. We then walked down the hall and he kisses me off to class.
The last class of the day always went by fast. My teacher wanted me to help her put biography posters up out on the walls; by the time I had finished the bell had rang for dismissal. I then went outside and waited for my boyfriend so we could walk to his house and he take me home. We had a great weekend. We went to church, spent a day with him and his family, and we went to eat. I fell asleep on his lap earlier that Sunday evening. When I woke up he said baby we about to go ride. He asked me to drive so we get in the car and I back out the driveway and make a right at the stop sign. I paused and said where are we going? he tells me to go to Marciello, a housing community, and park in front of his homeboy house; I did so. My brother, boyfriend, and two more of his homeboys get out of the car and they all leave their phones . They were going to do something. I waited in the car, one of their homeboys waited with me. As we were talking we heard someone’s phone going off. We got real quiet to figure out where the sound was coming from. We looked in the back seat and the front. I popped the trunk and their was my boyfriends phone. I picked up and a girl said can I speak to D-Mac? I said he is not available right now, can I ask who this is? she said “yeah his friend “as if she didn’t want to tell me her name ,so I said “he will call you back when he gets back“. I saw another number in his phone but he was coming back so I didn’t bother calling to see who it was but I saved the number in my phone. I never thought about it until the next day in school. My friend Drea walked up to me and said “ Nikki I have the girl number that is pregnant by David.” I said “ what is it?” she gave it to me. I was on my way to first period.; I entered and I sat down in my seat to text the number. When I text her I said” this is Nikki, David’s girlfriend. Who are you to David?” she text back and said “his baby mother”. It could have took everything in me not to cry , but I sat in my chair in awh, torn to hear this shocking news. I sat in my chair trying to hold back the tears and cries. I wanted to scream I wanted to kill, I felt rage at its worst. My heart felt like it had dropped in a factory machine being chopped up in as many pieces as it could be chopped in. I excused myself from class. I broke down on the way to the bathroom. I cried silently in the bathroom stalls. I had never in my life felt so betrayed or even disrespected. I cleaned myself up and by that time first period was getting over. So I just went straight to my second period class and I wasn’t me. I am usually jolly, excited, and really friendly. Everyone loved me. But that day in that class I felt and looked like another person. David’s cousin walked in my class and I asked him ,“ why didn’t you tell me that your cousin had baby on the way?” His response to me was, “ Oh , I thought you knew, the family know, he told us he told you.” I said no I didn’t and I just started to cry all over again but this time I couldn’t hold it in. I was destroyed so bad that I just cried unbearably asking myself why? why? why? He hurt me so awfully. The attendance lady that knew me since I was a baby rushed in the bathroom asking me what was wrong? Did she need to call my mother? All I could think of was why he hurt me like that. All thoughts were going through my mind.
The day before when we were together kept replaying in my mind I was with him and his family was thinking they were laughing in my face at how stupid I could be to be with him and he has a child on the way. I stayed by his side through everything, even when his baby mother was pregnant. I knew it seemed so unfair to my heart but all I truly wanted was him in the end. I never wanted to be second. But then one day I snapped out of my dream and realized I had a new beginning for myself. I found me a new love, someone who could cherish every moment with me. That was my new start.

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